IMPACT LIVING Ministry (ILM), formerly IMPACT LIVING Christian Center, is a non-denominational people movement and family-oriented community of believers.  We share a common faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and commitment to our as well as other’s spiritual growth and development. Under the leadership of Senior Pastor Timothy P. Jackson and Lead Pastor Jessica L. Jackson, we are focused to serve God, one another, and the community as problem-solvers and institution-builders. ILM was birthed in Pastor Tim’s heart as a teenager and ultimately came into existence July 2005 in the Hiawatha YMCA Community Room. After leaving the YMCA and leasing a storefront, we purchased our current facility in October 2012 and consistent with our vision of financial stewardship, we paid it off in full in three years.

Our Mission

God’s Word impacts us and we impact the world.

Our Executive Leadership Team

Paula Pearson
Loretta Garrett
Dutches Anderson
Tonya Mayes
Elder Wanda Walker
Elder Darron & Annie Britt
Deacon Tony & Cynthia Williams
Pastor Columba Reyes
Deacon Audley & Lisa Rolle

Our Vision

To educate believers on how to have a growing, healthy and mature relationship with Christ through the application of God’s Word and principles to everyday living

To empower believers to discover and fulfill their God-given purpose

To encourage believers to serve Christ and our community by extending God’s love to people in a meaningful way that ultimately wins others to Christ

What To Expect

Sunday Services 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Worship Service (In-person & Facebook Live)

  • Children’s Church for age three to eleven takes place on the first, second and third Sundays of the month.
  • A Family Room overlooking the sanctuary is available for parents to care for their babies and toddlers under age three and remain connected to worship services.
  • Youth in 7th -12th grades are encouraged to fellowship and get involved in Sunday worship. Fourth Sunday is Youth Service. Other special youth services and events take place throughout the year.